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Work Safety

occupational health or occupational safety, is a multidisciplinary field concerned with the safetyhealth, and welfare of people at occupation.

The goal of an occupational safety and health program is to foster a safe and healthy occupational environment.

OSH also protects all the general public who may be affected by the occupational environment.

Workplace Accident - True Story | Serious Injuries, Falls, Safety, OSHA, Near Death, Fatality

Workplace Accident - True Story | Serious Injuries, Falls, Safety, OSHA, Near Death, Fatality

FREE Oregon OSHA Accident Investigation online course: Workplace accidents, and serious injuries could affect you and your workplace. Slips, trips and falls account for many near death injuries, and fatalities. This animated video chronicles the workplace fall protection accident involving a man who fell 30 feet after disconnecting from his safety line. This near-death experience for Russ and his family shows how serious slips, trips and falls are in the workplace. It also tells the perspective of his spouse and how she handled the trauma of this workplace accident. Why is fall protection, and OSHA rules so important? Russ Youngstrom shares his story about a workplace fall protection accident. While working, he fell 30 feet, and survived. Now, he and his wife travel to share advice on fall protection, and its benefits. An accident in the workplace can be life changing. It is a story of family, and of friends, and of co-workers who face the change and who ask questions for which there are no easy answers. Oregon OSHA’s accident investigation requirements apply to all Oregon workplaces. If you have an employee who loses time from work due to an on-the-job injury or illness, you must determine what caused the injury or illness and act to prevent it from happening again. If your workplace has a safety committee, the safety committee must recommend how to prevent similar events from occurring. ✅Click the link to view our free online training course about Fall Protection: 🔴 Subscribe for more free Occupational Safety and Health tips: #OregonOSHA #workingatheights
Incident Investigation: Worker Falls Down Ventilation Shaft | WorkSafeBC

Incident Investigation: Worker Falls Down Ventilation Shaft | WorkSafeBC

This video recreates an incident at a highrise construction site in British Columbia where a worker died after falling 30 feet down an unguarded ventilation shaft. Using animation and photos from the worksite, this incident investigation slide show depicts the events and underlying factors that led to the incident. It describes how the lack of an appropriate fall protection system directly caused the incident. It also shows the importance of effective communication, safe work procedures, risk assessment, planning, and supervision when working at heights. Construction employers in B.C. can use this video to educate their workers on safety procedures and risk awareness around falls from elevation. Read the incident investigation report summary at Timestamps: 0:00 Intro & personnel onsite 0:38 Shaft dimensions & hazards 1:06 Safe work procedure developed & hazards assessed 2:11 Worker falls down vertical shaft 2:48 How can we prevent falls at height? 3:07 Cause & analysis __________________________________________________________ We’re working to make a difference in workplace health and safety in British Columbia, Canada. By partnering with workers and employers, we help British Columbians come home from work safe every day. Subscribe to our channel: Find us on social media: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: Visit our website for the most up-to-date health and safety information and regulatory requirements: Legal terms: All videos posted by the Workers’ Compensation Board (“WorkSafeBC”) are protected by Canadian and international copyright laws, policies, and treaties. The use of WorkSafeBC videos and other materials is governed by WorkSafeBC’s copyright and trademark statement, available here: Videos cannot be uploaded to other channels without prior permission. If you wish to request permission for use of our videos, please contact us: copyright [at]
労働災害の怖さ 【アニメで学ぶ”安全行動とルール順守" :Lesson1】

労働災害の怖さ 【アニメで学ぶ”安全行動とルール順守" :Lesson1】

製造業の改革・カイゼンを支援する“カイゼンベース”。 本動画:労働災害の怖さ 【アニメで学ぶ”安全行動とルール順守" 1】 【目次】 00:00 はじめに 00:41 なぜ安全第一が大切なのか 01:31 具体的な労働災害の事例 02:49 労働災害の悔やみきれない悲惨な結果 04:01 労働災害の要因・背景 05:00 労働災害は防ぐことが出来る 05:48 安全衛生の活動 06:21 まとめ 本テーマは「労働災害の怖さ」です。過去の歴史を見ると、現場では人の生死に関わるような重大な労働災害が多々発生しています。今回は、現場ではどのような災害が発生しているのか確認し、災害は防ぐことが出来るものであることを学びます。 【アニメで学ぶ”安全行動とルール順守"  本学習コースの動画ラインナップ】 1.労働災害の怖さ ★本動画はこちら★ 2.安全第一とは 3.安全とヒューマンエラー 4.不安全行動と不安全状態 5.止める・呼ぶ・待つの徹底 6.現場における安全ルール11選 この講座が、あなたの今後の活動に役立つことを、心から願っています。 ▼チャンネル登録により、最新の動画配信情報が通知されます。登録はコチラから。​ ▼WEBサイトで無料会員登録を行なうと、  YouTubeでは非公開の講座を見ることが出来ます。登録はコチラ↓↓↓から。

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