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內容摘要:職安風氣v.s.文化 所謂的「風氣」強調的是發生的事件造成的影響,而「文化」旨在強調行為背後的「理念」。改變文化需要較長的時間來醞釀,改變風氣所需的時間則相對短暫。比方給予員工年終獎金可以影響短期的風氣,但對長遠的文化變革並無太大助益。





We are now two weeks into the new year and we can safely predict that 2016 will also be an exciting year for EHS, Sustainability and Risk. The market is constantly evolving and technology is playing a greater role is helping companies ensure compliance, drive profitability, reduce risks, and improve environmental and social performance. To help you make sense of all the developments that will continue to generate a lot of attention in the foreseeable future, we want to share 10 EHS, Sustainability and Risk trends that we think you should keep an eye on over the course of the year. You should watch for these 10 trends because they have the potential to impact business operations or your role as an EHS, Sustainability or Risk professional.… <READ MORE>

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